HIP HOP IN MY HOUSE - Event with Prof. Thomas F. DeFrantz

Hip Hop in My House: Popular Dance, Identity Politics, and Postracial Physics, a presentation by Prof. Thomas F. DeFrantz UEL - University Square Stratford Studio 1 (USS3.29), Thursday, 17 Nov, 2016 2:00 to 5 pm

How did Hip Hop and House emerge as separate sorts of dance cultures among African Americans and Latino Americans, and how have they reconciled in contemporary global circumstances? What sorts of post-racial spaces are available within these dance forms and their cultures? What are some of the ways that identity still functions in considerations of hip hop and house dance? This talk will explore the important interstices of hip hop and house in academic discourses. In particular, we will consider the implications of race in the articulations of popular dance cultures and their circulations.

Event to be held at the following time, date and location:

Thursday, 17 November 2016 from 02:00 to 05:00 (GMT)

University of East London,
University Square Stratford
1 Salway Rd
E15 1NF London
United Kingdom